Thursday, October 6, 2016

Adopting a predominantly plant-based life-style

There is a huge difference between adopting a vegan lifestyle and “going on a diet” It’s easy to be tempted into straying from diet plan or “cheating”, but it’s not the same with veganism. We know why we made the decision to be vegan and why we wanted to adopt this lifestyle. It was important to learn the benefits of a vegan lifestyle and the effect animal products have on our health, environment, and humanity. After watching the documentary Forks over Knives our eyes were opened to the real effects animal products have on our lives.

“There’s lots of well-controlled science and research to show that adopting a predominantly plant-based diet probably has the biggest impact on health [compared to other diets] for all the chronic diseases,” says Rick Miller, a registered dietitian and spokesperson for the British Dietetic Association.

“Eating more plants and fibre and reducing our consumption of meat not only leads to weight loss but also to a reduced risk of heart disease, diabetes, hypothyroidism, high blood pressure and certain cancers, especially prostate, breast and bowel.”

“A vegan diet is obviously very low in saturated fat, which mostly comes from animal products,” says Rick Miller. “But research has also shown the unsaturated fats found in plant-based foods don’t seem to accumulate in visceral fat. That has huge implications for people’s health because it’s visceral fat that leads to things such as type 2 diabetes and heart disease.”

We are excited to think of all the new and delicious foods there are to try and not concerned about the foods we're giving up. We are so surprised at how many options there really are. There’s loads of suitable international dishes and it is easy it is to veganise our old favourite meals and recipes.

We are continually researching and learning the benefits of a vegan lifestyle and educating ourselves about the practices and costs behind the production of animal products.

Becki and I have lost 65kg between us (that;s a whole other person)since starting on our new lifestyle and feel healthier than ever before. Its an exciting journey and we feel blessed that we are able to travel this road together.

We are inviting our guests along on our journey, by offering Vegan menu options for breakfast and dinner. Inspiring our guests to change their life and creates some special food memories along the way.

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